We’ve Got Chickens

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Barred Rock

The Barred Rock (Plymouth Rock) chicken is one of the all-time, popular favorites in the U.S. They can't be beaten for steady, reliable chickens. They mature quickly and are solid and plump making them great roasting fowl.

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Blue Laced Red Wyandotte

This American breed of chicken dates back to the 1870s. These chickens have a blue-laced red pattern with blue that appears to be grey around the edges of each of the feathers. The Blue Laced Wyandottes are are good brown egg producers.

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Silver Laced Wyandotte

The Wyandotte is an American breed of chicken developed in the 1870s. The Wyandotte is a dual-purpose breed, kept for its brown eggs and its yellow-skinned meat. It is a popular show bird and has many color variants.

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Gold Laced Wyandottes

The Gold Laced Wyandotte is a popular chicken in America. This is a newer breed that was created for a dual purpose use by poultry farmers. These beautiful chickens produce 180-260 good sized brown eggs a year.

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Buff Orpington

The Orpington is a British breed of chicken. This chicken was intended to be a dual-purpose breed, to be reared both for eggs and for meat. The Buff Orpington is revered as the favorite color of Orpington.

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Lavender Orpington

The Lavender Orpingtons are a solid muted, violet or blue. These chickens are friendly and productive. The Lavender Orpington produces 180-220 medium-large brown eggs per year.

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White Leghorn

One of America’s most popular breeds, the White Leghorn is an active fowl that rarely sits still. They are known as amazing egg layers that produce the best quality white eggs.

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Brown Leghorn

Brown leghorns is a very popular breed loved for their supreme egg production skills. Producing white eggs these chickens have beautiful plumage and are active and mature early.

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Black Sexlink

Black Sexlink chickens are an excellent brown egg layer. This variety was developed by crossing a Rhode Island Red male with a Barred Rock female. These chickens are distinguishable as male or female upon hatching.

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White Sexlink

These full white chickens have a great temperament and lay a high amount of quality eggs.

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Red Sexlink

These hybrid birds can be identified by their pullets of deep red. They are very friendly and are great egg layers in both quality and quantity. A great addition to any backyard or farm.

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Red Ranger

The Red Ranger is a quite popular dual purpose chicken. Multicolored this bird is primarily raised for meat but also produces a decent amount of eggs.

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Appenzeller Spitzhouban

The Appenzeller is a speckled white breed of chicken originating in the Appenzell region of Switzerland. The Appenzeller is great for egg production and a friendly backyard companion.

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Rhode Island Red

The Rhode Island Red is a truly American breed of domestic chicken. This bird produces the most high quality brown eggs of any breeds. It is also the state bird of Rhode Island.

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The Icelandic chicken originally hailed from Iceland. Known as an average egg layer, they are a landrace fowl that are rare outside their native country. They have been present on the island since the introduction of Norse settlers in the 9th century

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Showgirls are an odd mix of a silkie and a turken. They maintain most of the silkie characteristics, like the pouf of a fluffy crest on their heads yet have the naked neck of the turken. Oddly enough even the males are called “Showgirls”.

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White Crested Black Polish

White Crested Black Polish have a stunning contrast in color with their body plumage of lustrous black and crests of white. They are a very friendly breed and make a great addition to any flock.


Turkens (AKA Naked Necks)

Upon hearing their name many people think these birds are half chicken and half turkey. Thankfully the Turken is all chicken but features a turkey-like bare neck. Despite the fact that they lack feathering on various parts of their body, Turkens stand cold weather very well, are good layers of brown eggs, and grow to 6 pounds or more, making a fine-eating bird.

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Black Asians

The Asian Black is a slow maturing breed with striking blue and colors. With a docile disposition and laying over 250 medium eggs per year they are the perfect addition to any flock.

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Black Australorps

Originally bred from the “land down under” this chicken has shiny rich black feathering and red heads. They are a great dual purpose bird being good egg layers and a wonderful meat source.

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Jersey Giants

The Jersey Giant is a breed that certainly lives up to its name. Being the largest purebred chicken in the U.S. these “gentle giants are moderate egg layers and amazing pets due to their docile nature.

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The Rainbow aka “Rainbow Dixie” is a beautiful multicolored dual purpose bird. They produce an abundance of brown eggs and are an excellent source of meat. They are a hardy breed good for cold weather and very social.

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ISA Brown

This hybrid chicken is a very friendly, quiet and sweet bird that makes a pet all the while laying an abundance of large brown eggs. They feature a beautiful copper penny hue and make a great addition to any flock.

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Cinnamon Queen

If you’re looking for a great egg layer then the Cinnamon Queen is the bird for you. They mature very quickly and produce an abundance of brown eggs. They are very gentle making them great companions and wonderful pets.

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Buff Brahma

The Buff Brahma chicken is classified as a large breed. These chickens are buff-colored with black tail feathers and black also appearing in the neck area. They lay beautiful brown eggs and do well in winter.

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Light Brahma

The Light Brahma chicken is classified as a large breed. These chickens are light-colored with black tail feathers and black also appearing in the neck area. They lay beautiful brown eggs and do well in winter.

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Dark Brahma

The Dark Brahma chicken is classified as a large breed. These chickens are dark-colored with black tail feathers and black also appearing in the neck area. They lay beautiful brown eggs and do well in winter.

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White Sultans

The White Sultan is one of the most unusual, eye-catching breeds of chicken in the world. They have unique white feathers and are calm and affectionate. Being small and below average egg layers they are mostly raised as pets.


Standard Cochins

The Cochin is a breed of large domestic chicken. It derives from large feather-legged chickens brought from China to Europe and North America in the 1840s and 1850s. It is reared principally for exhibition. It was formerly known as Cochin-China.

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White Standard Cochin

White Cochins are known by many as “Giant Snowballs" of the Cochin variety. One of the oldest breeds they feature masses of soft, white, plumage and exhibit a quiet disposition. Being less than average egg layers, these beautiful birds are outstanding for exhibition.

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Buff Standard Cochin

Buff Cochins are a large Asiatic breed covered from head to toe in an extraordinary mass of soft, fluffy, golden buff feathers. Introduced from China in the mid-1800s, they created a sensation wherever shown and are still a beautiful show bird. Buff Cochins are ok egg layers and are prized for showcase and exhibition.

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Black Standard Cochin

Black Cochins feature beautiful coal-black color and are heavily feathered from tip to toe. They have a massive and bulky appearance due to being feathered from head to toe. These birds are friendly, docile, good setters, and tend to be submissive when kept with more aggressive breeds.

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Partridge Standard Cochin

The Partridge Cochin are a multi-colored variety with gorgeous Partridge coloring. Many Males have reddish-orange hackle and saddle feathers with black centers. Females have a typical Partridge pattern with dark reddish brown feathers penciled in black.

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Splash Standard Cochin

Splash Cochins are very heavily feathered with fluffy grey with spots of black. They are extremely calm and peaceful chickens which makes them great pets Splash Cochins can grow very large.

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Blue Standard Cochin

Due to a unique genetic feature, the Blue Cochin is an extremely rare breed of chicken. They are very stately and feature a bluish-slate combined with bright red combs which make them excellent for showing.

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Salmon Faverolles

The Faverolles is a French breed of chicken. The breed was developed in the 1860s in north-central France, in the vicinity of the villages of Houdan and Faverolles. They are very docile and steady egg producers.

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The Ameraucana is an American breed of domestic chicken. It was developed in the United States in the 1970s and derives from Araucana chickens brought from Chile. Its color is quite variable and it is mid-sized. It matures slowly but then becomes a good egg producer.

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Sapphire Gem

This is a new variety of chicken and is not an actual breed that is recognized by the APA. This new breed with a bluish hue is a capable egg layer and outstanding forger.

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Easter Eggers

Easter egger is a chicken that possesses the "blue egg" gene. Easter eggers are descended from the same foundation stock that spread around the world from Chile and the Falklands. Because of the many breeds that go into them, Easter eggers come in many colors and patterns.

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Olive Eggers

A very popular breed, the Olive Eggers are a cross between a breed that lays eggs with true blue shells and a breed that lays eggs with really dark brown shells resulting in a variety of colors. They are good layers in high demand.

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Swedish Flower Hens

The Swedish Flower Hen is a traditional farmyard breed of chicken from southern Sweden. This hen is characterized by its millefleur plumage pattern. The base color is variable and may be black, blue, buff or red. This bird has a good temperament and egg-laying abilities.

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Black Sumatra

The Sumatra is a breed of chicken native to the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. These chickens were originally imported from Sumatra in 1847 to the U.S. and Europe as fighting cocks for the purpose of entertainment, but today the breed is primarily kept for exhibition.

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White Chantecler

The Chantecler is a breed of chicken originating in Canada. The Chantecler was developed in the early 20th century, at the Abbey of Notre-Dame du Lac in Oka, Quebec. It is extremely cold-resistant and is suitable for both egg and meat production.



A bantam is any small variety of fowl, usually of chicken or duck. Most large chicken breeds have a bantam counterpart, which is much smaller than the standard-sized fowl, but otherwise similar in most or all respects. A true bantam chicken is naturally small and has no large counterpart.

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BB Red Game Fowl

Coming from a long lineage from old England, Modern BB Red Game Bantams have an extremely high station and rather peculiar style. Most of this breed have their combs cut when used for showing.

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Andalusians originated from a province of Spain and are often used in exhibitions due to their beautiful carriage and delicate blue-laced feathers. When they have their ideal feather color of a lustrous slate blue they are wonderful show birds.

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Upon hearing their name many people think these birds are half chicken and half turkey. Thankfully the Turken is all chicken but features a turkey-like bare neck. Despite the fact that they lack feathering on various parts of their body, Turkens stand cold weather very well, are good layers of brown eggs, and grow to 6 pounds or more, making a fine-eating bird.


Bantam Cochins - White, Black, Buff, Mottled and Calico

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White Silkies have striking appearance due to their white plumage and mulberry colored comb, face, and wattles. Their earlobes are usually a light blue turquoise and the skin is dark blue or black. They come bearded and non-bearded.

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Black Silkies are a small breed of chicken with all black hair-like feathers with a mulberry-colored comb, face, and wattles. Their earlobes are usually a light blue turquoise and the skin is dark blue or black. They come bearded and non-bearded.

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Buff bearded Silkie is a small chicken with a unique personality. They feature a stunning and rich golden plumage that makes them outstanding at the exhibition. They also make terrific backyard pets and do well in confinement.

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Many people say that Partridge Silkies start off looking like chipmunks due to the three stripes on their back they have as chicks. Later they develop a red and golden hue making them very good show-birds.

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Splash Silkies are bantam chickens that have lovely white or pale blue plumage with irregular patches of black or dark blue color. They are great to show and very friendly making them great family pets.